An ELEVATED sport injury

The basic injury recovery consist of not playing your sport, sitting on the sidelines, doing some physical therapy, and mostly spending a lot of time on your own. You are separated from your teams/teammates with thoughts and feelings that you don’t want to deal with. During the injury there is a struggle with the return process. For you basic is not good enough. It is not good enough when you want to return better than when you were forced to sit. I want this to be a place for all injured athletes, parents/coaches, and healthcare teams to utilize in creating a better recovery.

You want better therefore, you came here. First off, welcome, this is where a better recovery from a sport injury starts. So, what is an ELEVATED INJURY? An elevated injury recovery gives purpose to those thoughts and feelings that you don’t know what to do. You have to be able to change for mindset from “this injury controls me” to “I control this injury and the outcome”. Your mindset and approach to recovery are key. Without an elevated mindset the recovery will be tough.


The goals of ELEVATED sport injury are to 1) give you a framework to create good GOALS for every step of your recovery 2) teach you the mental skills of IMAGERY and RELAXATION to have a better recovery 3) develop your CONFIDENCE because it takes a hit when you get hurt and we need to build that back of so you can be a better player once you return. 

I want ELEVATED Sport Injury to be a place that injured athletes come to for

Encouragement when times get tough. When you reach that wall physically and mentally, we will help you overcome it.

Refuge in the times you feel like you have no one to turn to for help. Oftentime injured athletes will feel like they have no one to turn to as they are being isolated from the team. They have no one that understands what they are going through with their specific injury. ELEVATED Sport Injury knows injuries and what it takes to recover from any injury.

Support for you whenever you need us. We will be someone that you can rely on to be there for you. We will provide you with tools that you can use as you work through the rehab process.

Are you ready to have your brain help with your recovery?

Maybe you just got injured and you are looking for assistance in recovery. Or, maybe you are just days away from being able to return to play and you want some help with your confidence levels. Either way, there are a lot of things that you can discover to help you move along in the process. As an injured athlete, there are going to be plenty of physical and mental hurdles for you to jump over in order to return to play at or above the level you were at the time of the injury.

We have seen athletes that work on the mental aspect of their game during an injury heal faster, regain strength quicker, and return to playing at a higher level. We will provide knowledge for you to develop mental skill strategies that will help you achieve goals, work through obstacles, and return to a high level. You already have what it takes to be a great athlete. With some refinement of your skills during this time, you can shock a lot of people with how well you recover.

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FAQ for a Better Recovery

Mon Jan 9 , 2023
PHYSICAL RECOVERY How long will it take to recover from my injury? – The simple answer is that everyone is different and that it depends. But, you don’t wanna hear that answer. The hard answer is that your body can only heal so fast and it has a lot to do to help repair an […]