FAQ for a Better Recovery


How long will it take to recover from my injury?

– The simple answer is that everyone is different and that it depends. But, you don’t wanna hear that answer. The hard answer is that your body can only heal so fast and it has a lot to do to help repair an injury. Everything that you do either gets that time to the ideal or it pushes things back. Ask your doctor or rehab professional (AT, PT) what an expected timeline is for your specific injury. They can give you a rough estimate; but, know that this is a rough guess and that it may take longer or shorter to get back to playing.

How will this injury impact my ability to perform in the future? Can I perform as well as I used to?

– In my experience a majority of the time you can get back to playing at the same level that you were playing at before. If you are listening and working with your rehab team they will get you back to playing to the best of your ability. You aren’t going to get there on day 1 of your return but over time and with a good work ethic you can get back to what you used to do.

Why is it taking longer to bounce back this time?

– A number of factors play into this. Your age, severity of the injury, and where the injury is. Every injury is different. We can’t compare your injury to any other player’s injury. We also can’t compare your injury to a previous injury. Everything is different this time around; even if it is labeled as the same injury.

How can I prevent myself from getting reinjured in the future?

– In all honesty, you can’t. I know you know that and I know you understand that there is a risk. But, you can help diminish that risk by taking extra steps to prepare yourself. Making sure you are getting a lot of sleep. Drink plenty of water all year long but especially during intense times of your season. Make sure that you are eating a healthy diet. Make sure that you are doing strength training and mobility work in and out of season. All of these will put your body in an ideal state and help prevent injuries.

What steps can I take to speed up my recovery?

– Much like the previous question, sleep, eat, stay hydrated, and perform your exercises on a regular basis as talked about with your rehab team. Also, learn mental skills specifically imagery and relaxation. Each one of these is needed to help your brain reach its ideal healing speed. If you take one thing away you are delaying the healing process.

How do I know when I am ready to return to competition?

– You’ll just know. This process is not a one day you’re not playing and the next you’re playing at full speed. You will slowly work into competition and that will help build your confidence in returning to play. Take everything day by day. Your body or your mind will warn you if you aren’t ready; listen, slow down, and keep pushing forward.

How do I stay involved with my team while I’m injured?

– Do everything that you can to be around your teammates. Make sure that you are showing up to practices and games. Even though you are injured I am sure that you can show up in the weight room and continue to get some work in there. Also, make sure that you are involved in areas where you can be with the team. You can still do things with the team. Ask your rehab team and coaches what skills you can work on even though you are out. You are sidelined but that doesn’t mean you have to sit.


Should I see a mental health professional to help me cope with my injury?

– Generally, I would say that yes, it is something that injured athletes should consider; especially with long-term injuries. At a minimum, they will help you each step through the recovery process. Mental health professionals are there to help deal with the high and low feelings, and the 6 stages (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance).

– Call 988 in the U.S., or find a suicide helpline in your country at Suicide.org.

How can I cope with the frustration, anger, and depression of being injured?

– There are a number of things that you can do about this. See the above about mental professionals. Mental professionals can help deal with these for sure. They will also help you find coping skills that are beneficial for you as each person is different. Generally, relaxation and imagery can be major players in learning to handle the ups and downs of recovery.

How can I ensure I care for myself mentally and physically during my recovery?

– Make sure that you are taking time away from sports and away from the injury. You are going to be fully consumed by the recovery process. At minimum weekly, but ideally, daily, take part in a hobby. Reading, writing, painting, woodworking, photography, anything that you enjoy. Now is a time you can learn something new and take your body away from the injury for a little while.

How can I maintain my mental focus and motivation during my recovery?

– My favorite way to do this is to make sure that you are setting goals. You should have short-term and long-term goals set up for yourself. Your rehab team will help you set physical goals and you should be setting all sorts of all goals. Also, set daily goals as they will help give you something to focus on from the time you wake up until the time you go to bed.

How can I regain hope?

– One way to help you regain hope is to look at your past. I am sure that you have had some injury before that you learned from. Answer the following questions. What was the situation? How did I respond? What was the outcome? If it was a negative outcome how can you work to have a different ending? If it was a positive outcome how can you replicate that? Work to figure out your fears, combat that fear by providing a list of strengths and then solidify that by determining if you are in control of the fear.

I just want to be back playing, why is this taking so long?

– It is a process, a very crappy process. But, you will get there. Keep pushing forward, work hard, and do everything in your ability to help your body heal most efficiently and you will get there in no time.

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Wed Jan 11 , 2023
DO WHAT YOU LOVE! For over 10 years, I have been working on the medical side of athletics as an athletic trainer. I have helped athletes recover physically from various injuries including sprains, strains, fractures, tears, and many others. I understand what an injury does to a high-performing athlete. I have been there when an […]